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Loan Modification Help - What's Going On Behind the Scenes and How It Will Affect Your Application

If you are in desperate need of assistance with loan modifications but are unable to gain any support with your loan provider, you must learn what's taking place in the background and how this could affect your chances of getting an opportunity to work out your loan. Even if it's started the process recently or have already been rejected due to this latest development in the current housing crisis will influence the way your lender handles the application. Have you ever wondered why it is taking so long receive an answer on your loan workout application , or why some homeowners stay in their homes for decades without making payments? The answer is it's because Fannie Mae is wondering the similar issue!

Never before in the history of mankind have such a financial nightmare been handed to home owners. Many people are in default on their home loans and banks are overwhelmed by the volume of paperwork and requests for assistance. In reality, banks and servicers are unable to cope with the current crisis and struggle to handle requests from borrowers seeking loan modification assistance. Insufficiently trained employees and departments make it difficult homeowners to get an answer that is clear or even an offer of loan modification. The frustration and confusion are apparent in the very limited number of loan exercises that are permanent provided. It is a fact that this isn't going to last forever in the event that we are ever going to see a recovery in the housing market.

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That's the point at which the under-the-scenes developments become relevant. Fannie Mae, the largest mortgage owner, is unhappy with the inability to move for loans that are in arrears. In the end, if no payment is paid by the homeowners and their property isn't put in foreclosure, there isn't any income generated from that mortgage. This means massive losses for Fannie who is already deeply in financial debt with government agencies like the Federal government. The hammer has been slammed down as a call to Action. This means that servicers and lenders will be required to submit documents to Fannie for each loan that is in default that explains the steps being taken. The loans that aren't addressed will see the servicer in the process of being fined This is a method to ensure that problems with loans are addressed promptly and efficiently.

This is both bad and good information for home owners. The bad part lies in the fact that staying in your home for a number of months without paying your mortgage is ending. The positive side is that the lender you have chosen will examine your situation swiftly to determine if your situation is eligible for loan modifications. If your application proves that you are eligible and are eligible, you'll be offered an opportunity to work out your loan. If, however, you are not eligible for a loan workout, then you'll be referred to a short sale, deed-in lieu of foreclosure or. Of course, the majority of homeowners would rather be at a position to remain in their house with an affordable, lower monthly payment. But only those who can demonstrate by submitting a financial statement they meet the requirements are eligible for this type of loan. Make the most of this chance and submit your correct and satisfactory application as soon as possible.

Susan Gregory is the author of two books that provide information for real estate and homeowners professionals: The Comprehensive loan Modification Guide Kit as well as The Stimulus Book - HAMP and HAFA Edition. She also conducts workshops training courses for federal programs that help real estate professionals help homeowners in their home retention or exit options. This Complete Modification Kit provides an excellent resource for those who need to borrow with a step-by procedure guidebook, the required forms, as well as a software program that emulates the federal approval process for loan modifications. Susan is a champion for homeowners. Susan also provides the option of a free 30-day email support to all her customers who purchase her books. A large number of homeowners have received help using these resources. Visit for more information.

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