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Acceptable Reasons for a Loan Modification - How to Get Your Lender's Attention

There are a variety of reasons that justify an extension of a loan, but homeowners hoping to gain their lender's attention and support must understand why certain borrowers are accepted and others are not. A loan workout can only be granted to those who can show that they're eligible, and that includes proving an actual financial hardship. Certain borrowers fail to convey their situation in a timely manner to their lender, and in the end, could not be able to access the loan modification they really need or deserve.

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So, what are acceptable reasons to consider the modification of a loan? There are a variety of reasons an individual lender could be able to consider, but these are the most basic rules that must be followed to be considered an acceptable candidate for a loan modification:

  1. The borrower's income has decreased or been affected in any way. It could be due to the loss of a job or a reduction in pay or working hours. Many homeowners are directly affected due to the widespread rates of unemployment and others could have a spouse that has no job or is not making a contribution to their monthly earnings.
  2. You've used up your savings as well as other reserves to meet your financial obligations every month. Once your savings are gone you are facing the risk of bankruptcy.
  3. The use of credit cards to pay for basic living expenses is a legitimate justification to modify your loan too. Consider this in the following way you're actually making more debt each month to keep your home. That is a time bomb that will never stop ticking.
  4. In addition, increased expenses will determine loan mod eligibility. Maybe you are facing unexpected medical expenses or legal charges. Many borrowers have had their mortgage payments increase because of an increase in the adjustable rate this is a excellent reason to ask for an exercise of your loan.
  5. Your financial situation could be temporary or one that lasts for a long time, and based on your specific circumstance, your bank could provide you with the option of a temporary solution or permanent modification of your loan. If you require an extended solution, be sure to inform the bank that you don't expect your circumstances to return to how it was prior to. 

The valid reasons for loan modifications could be different in various circumstances. every homeowner's situation is different, but in the event that any of the above factors are present, you'll be considered a qualified candidate. The only way you can accurately communicate the details of your circumstance is by submitting your loan modification application. The financial statements you submit must demonstrate in plain black and white that your monthly income, your monthly expenditures and bank balances are in line with the accepted guidelines. It is possible to utilize an application for loan modification to assist you with these vital calculations. All the required numbers will be given to you in a timely manner, so you will be able to avoid errors and be confident in your application.

Susan Gregory is the author of two reference books for real estate and homeowners professionals: The Comprehensive loan Modification Guide Kit as well as The Stimulus Book-HAMP and HAFA Edition. She also conducts workshops classes on federal training programs that help real estate agents assist homeowners in retaining their homes or exit options. This Complete Modification Kit provides an excellent resource for those who need to borrow with a step by procedure guidebook, the necessary forms, as well as an application that replicates the federal approval requirements for loan modifications. A champion for homeowners, Susan also provides the option of a free 30-day email support for all customers who purchase her books. A large number of homeowners have been helped by these publications. Visit for more information.

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